Saturday, December 7, 2013

There Are Many Ways to Help Improve Living Conditions on Earth

There are many ways to help improve the living conditions on Earth. There are many ways to try and help others and there are many ways to potentially try and help one’s own self. Being kind and virtuous is a good way to help Earth to be a better place to live. Helping to abolish unjust laws is a good way to help nations on Earth be better places to live. Hopefully more individuals will attempt to implement methods and strategies that might help to create more authentic peace and sustainable prosperity on Earth.

Donating money to worthwhile causes and charities can be a good way to benefit others here on Earth. Using research, experimentation, perseverance and creativity can be a good way to figure out ways to help Earth be a better place to live. Using research, experimentation, perseverance and creativity can also be potentially enjoyable in addition to potentially being useful.

Learning about self defense can potentially help Earth to be a better place to live. Conducting scientific, medical and/or technological research can be a good way to potentially help enrich the lives of humans all over Earth. There are many ways to help others. Hopefully more individuals on Earth will do what is possible to help Earth become a better place to live that is full of peace, prosperity and happiness.

Obeying just laws is a good way to help Earth to be a better place to live. If all humans obey just laws then the living conditions on Earth will become significantly better. Not littering can help Earth become a better place to live. There are many possible things that one can do. It seems that humans have a potential to help form Earth into a wonderful utopian and perhaps even Heaven like state. Perhaps Heaven can be created on Earth. Perhaps there is only one way to find out.

Being an honest individual and not lying except in cases of authentic self defense can be a good way of helping to improve the living conditions on Earth. Hopefully poverty, war and violence will successfully be stopped from existing on Earth. Hopefully all humans will realize that there are many ways to help improve the living conditions on Earth.