Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Antipsychiatry Hashtags and a Me Three Movement?

Social media can be a powerful medium. Through using social media we can help to raise awareness of the wrongness and immorality of psychiatric coercion and nonconsensual psychiatry. Here are some suggested hashtags. These can be used on Twitter and various other locations on Internet.

#MeThree (more on this one below)

Feel free to reclaim neutral hashtags.

The hashtag #MeToo has been used by many women in relation to sexual abuse. What if we use #MeThree for those damaged, harmed, and abused by psychiatry (both semi-consensual and nonconsensual)? We can build awareness of the immorality of nonconsensual psychiatry

These are just suggestions. Feel free to list or use your own. Be creative. Together we can eventually bring about the abolition of nonconsensual psychiatry, psychiatric abuse, and psychiatric slavery.
